You havn't seen the beauty untill you've seen paris

This has been a long week full of tests and other super fun things.
Time after school with my amazing friends and now the weekend is making up for it.
Friday: ELLEN - ily.
Today: Mysdag - movies and yummy foods.
Then in the evening - Party at Hannis :)
Tomorrow - Go to Hanna again, FIRA med tårta osv.
btw, Hanna's turning 18!
so this weekend is gooood but the pic is because I'm so excited for next weekend - PARISKVÄLL med tilda & ellen.
me loooove <3
pic: paris 08.
Postat av: Nika
sv: Tacktacktack!
Postat av: Linda
Åhh fina bilder:D
Postat av: ELLEN
ååååååh fin bild!!!!!
love you even more babyyyyyyy! <33<33<3<3
PARISKVÄLL!!! <3<3<33<3<